Port Elizabeth Airport

In 1917, the first flight to Port Elizabeth from Cape Town was made by Major Allister Macintosh Miller. This was such an historical moment that this flight was brought to life on canvas by artist Ron Belling to be seen by many in the future. In close proximity to the city, Lieutenant Colonel Miller established the Port Elizabeth Airport in 1929. At this time however, the Airport in Port Elizabeth was only used for Miller's postage service between Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. But finally, in 1936, with one single runway, the Port Elizabeth Airport found itself officially open.

During the years that followed, the little airport saw many changes.
World War II, the Port Elizabeth Airport was remodeled to accommodate
air force, 1950 brought the construction of permanent terminals, and in
the Airport of Port Elizabeth welcomed its first jet-propelled

landing. The doors to the newly constructed terminal buildings were
in 1955, accompanied with air traffic control and runways. The changes
just beginning, and 1973 saw the extension of the runways to
larger aircraft and in 1980 a departure terminal was constructed. The
Elizabeth Airport
embarked on its largest and most important
transition in 2000, when upgrading the community airport to an airport
is ready to convert to international standards started.

Currently, the Port Elizabeth Airport sees the arrival and departure
more than a million passengers a year, and over 38 770 air movements
service all the major domestic routes within South Africa. The
upgrades were completed in 2004 and are well equipped to handle more
two million passengers a year. The terminals measure a total of 8 700

The airport infrastructure, due to all the changes, has seen to it
the Port Elizabeth Airport now has two runways of respectively 1 980m
and 1
860m. A full CAT 1 ILS system is installed on the main runway from
ends, with thirteen parking bays on the apron.

The Airport of Port Elizabeth also as a wide spectrum of passenger
services such as, mobile phone companies, Foreign Exchanges, coffee shops,
curio shops, car rental facilities, tourism related kiosks and
Be assured that when travelling to the Port Elizabeth Airport, they are
ready and waiting to accommodate every aspect of your journey.

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